Digging into the details:
Original one-of-a-kind artwork
8 inches wide | 10 inches tall
Acrylic on canvas panel
Arrives ready to hang, framed
FREE shipping on all orders within the U.S.
Digging into the details:
Original one-of-a-kind artwork
8 inches wide | 10 inches tall
Acrylic on canvas panel
Arrives ready to hang, framed
FREE shipping on all orders within the U.S.
Digging into the details:
Original one-of-a-kind artwork
8 inches wide | 10 inches tall
Acrylic on canvas panel
Arrives ready to hang, framed
FREE shipping on all orders within the U.S.
I’ve stood time after time, my head hanging over the water, unruly curls draping past my ears toward my lips. Time after time, I’ve caught glimpses of my reflection in the greenish blue ripples of water bodies around New York City.
As I look at my face reflected onto the water, like quivering glass, I know that it’s just my reflection. I know the “real” me is right here - these hands, this waist, these legs and feet. And yet, I can’t see my own face without a reflection on the water, without a mirror, without a camera.
Everything I paint is a self-portrait and also a depiction of something beyond myself. Where is the border between me and what’s beyond myself? The border is shifting, part-opaque and part-transparent, like my quivering ocean glass reflection, also called a pond or a river or a puddle.
My source material is this fuzzy borderline between everything me and everything outside of me, between my internal experience and my surroundings.
About the Super Natural collection
Ocean waves, snow-capped trees, lightning and thunder, and waterfalls: all of these terms relate to nature. The term "supernatural" usually refers to some force that defies the laws of nature. Yet, I often feel the greatest magic and spirituality through immersing myself in landscapes, observing nature.
What if the real wizardry comes from seeing the magic that's already here, within us and all around us? What can I learn about myself, my inner world, by spending time paying close attention to my surroundings, the outer world? If the creation of art and music isn't magic, what is magic? If the creation of art and music doesn't defy the laws of nature, then maybe the laws of nature have more to do with spirituality and possibility and less to do with constriction and predictability.
The paintings in this series all have to do with finding spirituality, insight, and magic (which can feel supernatural) in nature.